
Fields of Application

transformers.jpgPCB Filled Transformers
pesticides.jpgDrums of PCB Oil

halonfordestruction2.jpgHalon for Destruction

The PLASCON® process can be used to destroy any liquid or gaseous molecular waste, but cannot directly treat solids. However, many applications involving solid waste such as the remediation of contaminated soils, are effectively addressed by the utilisation of compatible "front-end" technologies. As an example, thermal desorption is being used to extract liquid concentrate from solids (BCD Technologies Case Study). Solvent extraction can also be applied in specific cases to treat contaminated solid waste.

The correct application of low cost "front-end" or pre-preparation technologies in combination with PLASCON® can provide a very cost competitive solution independent of the level of contamination.
The process is ideally suited to the destruction of concentrated forms of halogenated organic waste.

PLASCON® can be used in many industries and for many applications, some of which follow:

  • For the destruction of special wastes such as ozone depleting substances i.e. Halons (fire extinguishing compounds) and Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's)
  • For the destruction of any of the controlled substances outlined in the Montreal Protocol, annexes A, B and C
  • As a superior and cost effective alternative to incineration for the destruction of the "dirty dozen" persistent organic pollutants (POPS): Dioxins, Furans,
    Aldrin, Chlordane, DDT, Dieldrin, Endrin, Heptachlor, Hexachlorobenzene (HCB), Mirex and Toxaphene, Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB)
  • As an integral component for in-situ waste management (cleaner production) in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries
  • The destruction of chemical warfare agents
  • As a relocatable destruction process suitable for on-site remediation and small scale applications
  • Where an organic waste is contaminated with inorganic or heavy metal components an assessment will be needed on a case by case basis to determine how best to engineer a complete solution.

If you have an organic waste that is not listed above, please contact SRL Plasma Pty Ltd